
Creativity is essentially part of human nature and at the same time a core driver for innovation. It is contagious and has a self-reinforcing effect. The urge to invent, reinvent, improve or rejuvenate technology, products, services, knowledge, world-views or social arrangements is deeply ingrained in the human history. Tuning into creativity means becoming more confident and trusting that there is always a solution to problems, a better way of doing things, and a break-through invention that can improve millions of lives.

What you can do to enhance Creativity

  1. Investigate an idea or innovation potential rather than quickly disregarding it
  2. Become aware of your own pattern of creativity and nourish it with decisiveness
  3. Plan for creative spaces in collaboration initiatives
  4. Foster future-oriented invention and co-creative encounters for sustainability transformation.

Here are a few questions that help guide us towards Creativity

  1. When do I feel energized? If money were not an issue at all, what would I most love to do?
  2. When does our team have especially creative moments? What contributes to this happening?
  3. How do we schedule space for creative interaction into stakeholder meetings?
  4. How do we foster creative spaces for social and technological innovation?

How does Creativity show up ?

Nourishment of sources of creative energy; focus on passion; bringing in new ideas; thinking the impossible; inventiveness; creative solution finding; pursuit of dreams; creation of time and space for individual and collective idea-generation; having fun; being playful; unorthodox ways; informal interaction; openness to new ideas; scheduling individual and collective time-out.

Tools that further Creativity

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Excellence is an aspiration that is crucially important for sustainability. Delivering mastery and the best possible quality for a product, a piece of art, a service, or a collaboration process is a way of honoring life’s potential. When a creation is not coupled with an aspiration for mastery, it cannot live up to its full potential. A commitment to serve a better future needs us to drive excellence, search for the best possible expertise, and drive continuous improvement.

What you can do to enhance Excellence

  1. Strive for Excellence
  2. Gather or join circles of people who want to achieve the best possible impact
  3. Bring in additional and complementary expertise and acknowledge when others know more or can do things better
  4. Benchmark and exchange best practices
  5. Remember that life is not perfect, but it strives toward beauty and better solutions all the time

Here are a few questions that help guide us towards Excellence

  1. What is it that I am really, really good at?
  2. How can we serve best?
  3. How does our team drive and acknowledge delivering high-quality results?
  4. How do we make sure we utilize all available knowledge and expertise for our sustainability initiative?

How does Excellence Action show up ?

Striving for excellence; personal and professional mastery; high quality delivery; attention to detail; continuous improvements; expansion of knowledge; acknowledging of diverse expertise; service-orientation; benchmarking; exchanging knowledge and best practices; learning from others; mentoring

Tools that further Excellence

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Agility is paramount for collaboration journeys. It makes us partners of evolution in the speed and readiness to venture into the unknown, adapt to changes, learn anew and move through crises constructively. It creates new habits and strengthens the capacity to open up to new situations and the willingness to pro-actively change. Cultivating our ability to take risks furthers the agility that collaborative innovation needs. Inquiring into what we do not know or do not understand helps shift into more conducive patterns of interaction.

What you can do to enhance Agility

  1. Transcend boundaries and open yourself to new ways of thinking and acting
  2. Cultivate a spirit of adventure in teams
  3. Ask difficult-to-answer questions and go beyond old interpretations
  4. Take a fresh look at what you think you already know

Here are a few questions that help guide us towards Agility

  1. What has been our best experience in overcoming a crisis?
  2. In what ways have we established collective reflection rituals in our team?
  3. How do we cultivate an attitude of seeing challenges as opportunities in our collaboration initiative?

How does Agility show up ?

Openness to change; flexibility; preparedness to venture into the unknown; risk-taking; preparedness to invest; seeing obstacles as opportunities; attitude of discovery and adventure; acting beyond our comfort zone; transcendence of boundaries; humility; learning-oriented crisis management; quick adaptation to new situations; resilience.

Tools that further Agility

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Get inspired by other people and how they used the compass
